I had a great experience last Thursday in Covent Garden Market and learnt many things about food presentation and sales.
I had a couple of busy days to prepare all the food and then the big day came on Thursday.When we arrived at the market,the UKFBA stall was ready.Ben,the Market Manager greeted us and introduced himself and gave us a lot of information about the stall and market and made us feel comfortable.Throughout the day we saw Ben many times and each time he checked if we were ok and gave us many useful tips.
I prepared Turkish boreks with potato and feta cheese and some Turkish apple pastries with apple and cinnamon.I made bulghur(similar to couscous) salad and english traditional sponge and carrot cakes.
It was fantastic how I sold the traditional Turkish boreks so easily but found it much harder to sell the english cakes.After some feedback from Ben and looking at other stalls, I thought that the customers were looking for nice and interesting food presentation and a consistent food theme.
It was a hard work but rewarding.I really enjoyed it and slept very well that night!
I am going on holiday this week but I will post my borek and apple pastry recipes as soon as I can while I am lying on the beach :)
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