Saturday 4 July 2009

Turkish bulghur pilaf -Bulgur pilavi

I would like to give you very nice and healthy Turkish recipe which is called "Bulgur Pilavi".Bulghur is more nutritious than rice and couscous, because it contains more fiber, more vitamins and minerals.Bulgur is a common ingredient in Turkish and Mediterranean dishes.


500 gr Bulghur
1 onion
1 big tomato
1 cube chicken stock
2 tsp tomato puree
4 tbsp vegetable oil

Chop the onions finely. Cut the tomato like cubes. Dissolve chicken stock in hot water.

Heat a pan.Add oil and chopped onions.Fry onions until they are soft.Add chopped tomatoes and tomato puree.Stir and fry all for 3 Min's.Add bulghur and fry all mixture for 2 Min's again.Add the chicken stock to cover the mixture.Water level must be 2 cm higher than the mixture surface.Boil it until water is completely disappeared.Turn heat off.Put two kitchen paper towel on the pan and cover with seal for 10 Min's.This will give it more taste.Enjoy it.

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